
Since our inception in 2015 we have been at the forefront of the industrial hemp seed research and development. As we continue to increase seed production, our commitment to innovation grows stronger. For us, this means building out world-class genomics and chemistry capabilities, and the development of public/private research programs that will increase our collective understanding of cannabis agronomy in a transparent fashion. Most importantly, we are doing so without outside funding and no interest in ever selling out--it gives us the ability to "do the right thing" regardless of financial implications. Stay tuned as we unveil the details and continue to push the cannabis revolution forward.


  • First high CBD content day-neutral (“autoflowering”) hemp (2016)
  • First field trials of “early” flowering varieties, i.e. photoperiod sensitive plants that commence flower formation in July (2016)
  • First pure CBG line in N. America (2017)
  • First pure CBG autoflowering variety (2017)
  • First substantially pure CBC varieties in N. America (2018)
  • First cannabinoid free varieties in N. America (2018)
  • First substantially pure CBDV lines in N. America (2019)
  • First substantially pure CBGV lines in N. America (2019)
  • First substantially pure CBCV lines in N. America (2019)
  • First commercial triploid CBD pure varieties (2020)
  • First commercial triploid CBG pure varieties (2020)
  • First commercial triploid autoflower varieties (2020)


The application of modern genomic tools to cannabis has substantially advanced our collective understanding of this understudied crop in the last decade. Our current research programs build on this new knowledge in important ways. In 2019 we added a PAC Bio Sequel II sequencer to our array to begin the most comprehensive cannabis genome mapping program in existence. Not only is our data for in house needs, but we are also involved with a variety of public research programs that mean much of what we discover will be shared.


Feminized Seed (i.e. 99.97% female seed): This work follows up on Ram and Sett’s (1982) “Induction of Fertile Male Flowers in Genetically Female Cannabis sativa Plants by Silver Nitrate and Silver Thiosulfate Anionic Complex”. We are exploring how dosage and application timing affects the structure and quality of male flowers on reversed female plants. The resulting seed produced from this process are 99.97% female, with an average of 1 male phenotype every acre (1/4000).


Flowering Sensitivity: Amaducci et al. (2008). “Modeling post-emergent hemp phenology (Cannabis sativa L.): Theory and evaluation.” Previous research has demonstrated that significant flower induction timing variation occurs between and within cannabis varieties. By combining QTL mapping with field trial and greenhouse production data on several experimental cultivars we developed, we demonstrate that photoperiod sensitivity can be both polygenic and monogenic–and, importantly, that early finishing varieties can be quickly created by targeting a single locus. Furthermore, the single locus site serves as the key identifier of what was previously thought to be a unique clade.


CBD to THC Ratio Inheritance: We build on the groundbreaking work of Weiblen et al. (2015) “Gene duplication and divergence affecting drug content in Cannabis sativa” and Onofri et al. (2015) “Sequence heterogeneity of cannabidiolic and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid-synthase in Cannabis sativa L. and its relationship with chemical phenotype” in this project to identify the heritability of specific CBDa and THCa synthases through self-pollination and outcrossing of “ultra high CBD” (>50:1 ratio) plant lines. The secondary goal of this project is to identify specific combinations of synthases that allow for very high cannabinoid content plants (>20% d.w.) to meet federal THC guidelines for hemp.


Non-Destructive Hemp Compliance Testing: State agriculture departments are tasked with enforcing the (scientifically inaccurate) federal 0.3% THC hemp compliance test. All state agencies currently use flower material, generally taken from the apex of plants at their peak of floral development. Representative sampling of a field or greenhouse can result in significant financial losses to growers. We are collecting data on the cannabinoid content of leaf and flowers over the full life course of several plant populations to identify predictive measures that can be used in place of destructive flower tests. Early results suggest that testing for active THC synthase genes via PCR is a viable strategy for ensuring compliance at an industrial scale so long as proper sampling techniques are used.