This document is meant to be a basic reference guide for seed ordering as well as additional resources we recommend for a productive season. How and what you choose to grow is up to you, and please consult our step by step cultivation guide for more specifics.
How many seeds? – Suggested quantity to order may vary based on your spacing for implements. We suggest -
How many seeds? – Suggested quantity to order may vary based on your spacing for implements. We suggest -
- 2000 seeds per acre for June 1 field planting - 4'x 6' spacing
- 3000 seeds per acre for July 1 field planting - 3'x 5' spacing
- 4000 seeds per acre for August 1 field planting (not recommended) - 2' x 4' spacing
- 4000 seeds per acre for Autoflower
Seed Germinating - Greenhouse Space, Lighting, and Temps
- 90,000 seeds will fit comfortably in a 30x100 greenhouse if using 72 cell trays, recommended 10,000 watts of light if starting beginning of May. 1.35 sqft per tray, adjust per tray size – 50 cell, etc.
- 60,000 seeds will fit in a 20x100, 72 cell trays, 7000 watts of light recommended
- 30,000 seeds will fit in a 20x50 if using 72 cell trays, 4k watts of light recommended
- No light needed if starting mid-June. Plants will grow spindly and possibly preflower without light supplementation if started under 16 or less hours of daylight.
- For consistent germination, temperatures must be 68°F or above, ideally 75-85°F, for fast and high germination rates
Field Prep Nutrients – not including liquid nutrients and field nutrient level dependent
- 1000 - 2000 lbs of all-purpose fertilizer (4N-3P-2K) per acre is recommended for a June 1 planting – greater number if broadcast spread on a field, lesser number if you apply under plastic.
- 500-1000 lbs of all purpose for July 1, can go up if you wish to boost vegetative growth
- 1000-2000 lbs for Autoflower
- If planting later than mid-July, nitrogen rich fertilizer application may push plants to finish in October
- Soil pH is ideally between 6-7
Spacing – please base these numbers off the machinery and implements that you have for weeding/seeding/etc. We do not recommend August 1 plantings.
- 4’ between plants, 6’ between rows for June 1
- 3’ between plants, 5’ between rows for July 1
- 2’ between plants, 4’ between rows for August 1
- Plants may take 2-4 gallons of water or more weekly during peak of summer, or up to about 4,000-8,000 gallons per acre, per week.
- Water pH is ideally between 6-7
- 25% in early September
- 45% in mid September
- 30% in late September
- 11-12 weeks after emergence for Autoflowers
Dry Room for cut flower and full spectrum extract
- Around 5,000 sqft of dry room space required per acre if hanging whole plants, but can be significantly less if plants are broken down and wet trimmed before hanging
- Ideally under 90 degrees F with dehumidifiers and heaters to prevent terpene loss
- How you dry for biomass production will require your own research