Good morning from Oregon CBD. This incredible time lapse of our ever-growing facilities was captured by talented farmer and photographer Alika Guillaume. The weather may still be grey but spring is in the air in the Willamette Valley. Fields are...
Just a basic photo as the sun sets on the first era of "new hemp" in the US. Words cannot express how thankful we are to the farmers who have supported us over the past 5 years. Your trust has allowed us to expand our capabilities for discovery beyon...
Long before our seeds reach public hands they are trialed on our 50-acre R&D plot (pictured above) for field readiness. In 2019, our genetics were also trialed alongside other reputable varieties by North Carolina State University's Hemp Ext...
Keeping our CBD seed and CBG seed production facilities clean and contamination free is a continuous job. Between each run we sterilize our greenhouses with a Dramm fogger. It micronizes particles so small that it requires extremely small amounts of ...
Knowing the basic history of the genetics and the breeder is extremely important information for hemp seed buyers. Be well educated and don't make the same mistakes others have; it can lead to financial ruin. Breeding compliant, field-ready hemp gene...
Compliance CBD dominant (Type III) cannabis plants exhibit CBD to THC ratios up to 28:1 on a crop-wide average. For example, if you grow flower that tests at 14% CBD, you can reasonably expect it to contain a minimum of 0.5% total THC.Why?&...
Founders Seth and Eric Crawford were just awarded Executives of the Year by the Portland Business Journal. I know they would never call themselves executives, but we can't be more proud of them! They earned it. Read the full story in our news section...
The point of US intellectual property protection is to provide priority and protection to those who innovate or discover novelty in exchange for vesting those discoveries in the public sphere after a period of time--the information is published short...
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 6, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the availability of two programs that protect hemp producers’ crops from natural disasters. A pilot hemp insurance program through Multi-Peril Crop Ins...
We began producing industrial hemp seed in shipping containers 5 years ago, and have continued to develop and hone in on our facilities and our processes each year since. We learned early on that seed production cannot be done outdoors. This no...
Congratulations to the growers who cleaned up at The Hemp University's Golden Grow competition in Southern Oregon, arguably the epicenter of craft sungrown CBD rich hemp. There were plenty of great entries, and we were thrilled to see Singh...
There is no more sacred day of the week for anyone at Oregon CBD than Thursday. This magnificent day isn't pay day, or a day off, but simply pizza day. For the last 5 years all of Oregon CBD's activities come to a grinding halt every Thursday (n...